Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Noah the Little Peanut

Noah had his first physical therapy session today. It went well, his Wednesday therapist's name is Beth, she's tiny, sweet and full of hope and kindness. There's so much Noah needs to work on. First being his head control, he has none to really balance to be the foundation of sitting. Beth gave me great techniques for therapy at home. There's a lot of little things I need to get for Noah this week, I need to get him a door mirror to put on the floor so he can see himself doing therapy, I have to find a toddler step stool (the smallest I can find) since as Noah's therapist said "he's still a peanut," to serve as a table for Noah to sit at on the floor so we can put toys on top for him to try to reach and grab. Noah will also be fitted for a belly band on Friday to help him with his stomach muscles. I think it's something that will have to be ordered. I have this vision of Noah in his splints and belly band looking at me like how many accessories do you think I need mom?

None of these items of course are reimbursed by Medicaid. Noah's therapist also gave me a paperwork on how they measure success on a scale of 1 to 5 -- 5 being the worst and 1 being the best for progress. She said you can start at a 5, then graduate to a 3. Right now since Noah can't sit and doesn't have head control he's technically at a 5, but they really don't do a range scale until around 2 years of age, so officially he has some time to catch up. She also told me some really encouraging stories about other children that she works with that are doing amazing things when the odds were against them, which gave me hope that Noah will be another amazing story for her to tell in a few years to another mother just like me.

I've also faced some negative comments this week in regards to things I have written in Noah's updates. I've contemplated whether to continue on with Noah's updates and website. After a long discussion with Noah's daddy we both have decided to continue on bringing Noah's story to you. I write for Noah. I write so he knows just how hard we've fought, what our life is genuinely like as a family, so he can look at it someday and know we loved him more than life itself and made every sacrifice on earth for him. I feel bad that there are those that do not support us, who cannot understand, but my primary and only goal is doing what is best for Noah. It doesn't matter how anyone feels about Chris and I, if you think we're good parents, bad parents, doing enough, not doing enough, because at the end of the day, God knows how hard we're trying and the sacrifices we're making for this little boy. God gave him to us for a reason, and I will not fail him. I encourage all of you to continue leaving beautiful messages for Noah on his website. If you are no longer interested in receiving his updates just notify me and I will kindly remove your name from receiving notifications when updates post.

This evening there was a roofing contractor that I told about our little Noah, a person that instantly knew that God had intended something very special for our Noah. That is another reason that Noah's updates must carry on, there are many people that Noah inspires and needs to reach and right now I am his voice. Noah is one of God's miracles. Someday he will be able to share with you his own journey, and I look forward to that day. Again thank you to those who have not left our side, who lift me up when the days are hard, who come to share in this journey with us. Your words of encouragement and support mean so much. So many around the world have fallen in love with Noah, and I know that you love hearing about how we are doing.

Please continue to pray for Noah, I know therapy will prove to be challenging for him, but he WILL do it, he WILL get there, and I know that he WILL walk, and he WILL talk! And we all will rejoice and celebrate together! PRAISE GOD!

I need to ask now for a very special request from all of you. There have been many families that I have connected with that have children like Noah, that have suffered brain injuries. There is a little special boy named Santana and he needs some help. As many of you know therapy equipment is not covered by health care and Santana is need of a very expensive therapy machine. Even if you are unable to contribute to help them please send a very special prayer their way. We are ALL in this together. It's about people helping people, loving one another through the hardest of times. This is his wish upon a hero site and please watch his video:

God bless you all

Stacy, Chris & Noah