Sunday, September 13, 2009

Noah's Rody

We finally got Noah's Rody all blown up for him. I think he really likes him just as much as the one he plays with at therapy. He continues to reach for his little blue ears, however his balance is still difficult for him so he always winds up leaning backwards in an attempt to hold them. Rody's new home in the formal living room so the dogs don't attack him. Everyone loves Rody except Hollie and Brystal. To them he's is the ultimate blue enemy that they are dreaming about biting and deflating...
Our whole house is beginning to look like a playground. Every room is filled with therapy for Noah. Mirrors line the family room, Rody is now safely living in the formal living room, I have sensory balls in the dining room and Einstein mats and a play yard in the Master bedroom. So I figured why not complete the entire house and install that fancy swing in the basement for Noah's therapy. I found the therapy platform swings online but they are all between $200-$300. I'd really like to get one for Noah, but it's not within our means right now.
Noah's grandma Marsha and his great-nana got to go to therapy with him for the first time this week. They went to his Friday physical therapy session. They got to see Noah swing and practice his head control. He was a little fussy, but I think it was to get his way to be put on the swing. Noah is very particular about getting what he wants.
Noah also dinned out for the second time this week at the Village Inn again. I like that it is quite there, and not overly busy. That way should Noah be difficult he's not interrupting someone else's fine dinning experience or wrecking someone's anniversary or birthday dinner. This time he went with the whole family. He did wonderfully, even better than the first time. We of course still have to tote around Noah's special high chair. But at least it's light weight and it travels well.
Noah also had a recall on his stroller this week. Of course it has to be the buckle that holds the five point harness in. I wish I could afford to get in another jogging stroller that sat him up with a five point harness, but I priced them today at Babies R Us and they're a minimum of a $150. It's always difficult to buy for Noah because I have to think of if he can sit in it. Without a five point harness there's no way he can be in a stroller of any kind. Hopefully maybe next year he won't require that, and maybe he'll be able to sit up on his own and not need to be locked in. I wish that the things Noah needs would be just a little cheaper than they are. All of it just adds up very quickly.
I've attached some pictures of Noah's Rody on his blogspot website. He was up past his bedtime playing with Rody so he looks very tired. Hopefully when he's got more energy will be able to take some bright eyed pictures.
Stacy, Chris & Noah