Thursday, December 24, 2009

Noah's First Birthday

The Birthday Boy!

My Cupcake Hat

Seriously Mom, I can't believe I'm wearing this!

My Fishing Birthday Hat

Happy to be ONE!

Mr. Cute on his Birthday

Lighting the Big Cake

Diving in making a mess

Getting Ready to Destroy the Pretty Cake

Noah's Big Cake

Noah's Little Cake
Noah had a great first birthday. He was all smiles all day long. And I held him so tight at exactly 8:51am. Making up for the fact I couldn't hold him that time last year. Noah would tell you it was a very emotional day for me. But in the most beautiful of ways. There's nothing like celebrating a day you thought at one time would never come. It's better than any hard earned graduation party, any new years eve party filled with a special kiss, it even beats the most beautiful of wedding receptions. Celebrating Noah's life, his one year birthday was amazing.
I had gotten Noah some special hats for his birthday. I don't think he was much interested in the hats, they were mostly for my amusement. But he tolerated them as such to give me at least a few pictures. Noah's cakes from Das Meyer were adorable and just as I had pictured them in my head. His individual cake with a sprayed on teddy bear stencil, with special light blue and light green balloons and curly ribbon. His bigger companion cake was just as cute, and almost identical in decoration.

I think I under-estimated the mess Noah would make with his cake. I had envisioned him having great difficulty even touching it let alone throwing the cake every which direction. But as soon as it was in front of him, it was pretty much over. Both hands dove into the cake. I don't think he recognized it was something yummy until I took one of the icing covered hands and placed it to his mouth. He then realized he had scored something sweet. Noah still required assistance to get his hands to his mouth, but I could tell his arms were quite relaxed as I helped hold it there for him. He threw cake everywhere in the dinning room, even this morning I found it on the walls. Congratulations Noah, you made your first very big mess in the house. Way to go little guy! Your dogs are very much thanking you today as they continue to find dried up frosting to crunch on here and there.

I of course couldn't make it through singing Happy Birthday without being overcome with emotion as the happy tears started to flow. My heart is just overwhelemed with such joy, such thankfulness that I have him, and no matter what - even if Noah isn't "perfect" like other babies might be, he is mine and I love every inch of him.

Noah was a pretty good sport the entire night eventhough I had pushed his bathtime back to open presents. He got the cutest little Elmo that says "Up, Up" words that Noah very much knows. Because I ask him all the time if he wants me to pick him "up", he got some really fun Elmo and Learning DVD's, a fun Elmo gadget that makes noise and lights up, some stuffed toys, a learning block, Thomas the Train bath toys, a special cuddle therapy swing, and of course I had to get him some new socks because his feet just continue to grow.

Chris I know very much enjoyed the opening presents part as he loves to play with Noah's toys just about as much as Noah does. I love to see the two of them together. They have the most amazing bond. Noah and his daddy are very close.

Thank you to everyone for all of your wonderful birthday cards, gifts, wishes, thoughts and prayers for Noah's first birthday. It is a memory I will forever hold in a special place in my heart.

Stacy, Chris & Noah