Friday, April 16, 2010

Got Hope?

Got Hope? I seen this bumper sticker on a car that I was following on the way to Noah's monthly PT and OT check-in that said Got Hope? I do, I have lots of hope. I have so much hope that it pours from my soul. I see many improvements in Noah although they are small they are still there. Sure I wish somedays that he could do one giant milestone - even if it's as simple as sitting. But Chris is always quick to remind me that rolling is a milestone - yet it's not one that is really celebrated as such. I'd love for Noah to be moving faster with movements. Although many of my friends have reminded me it's not a sprint it's a marathon. Noah will go at his own pace whatever he chooses that to be.

It was great to get some good advice from his PT and OT, on feeding and things that might benefit Noah in the future. I came home with some new ideas on things to try to introduce Noah to. Dried beans and rice to play in with his hands and feet to help sensory issues, and a print-outs of new meltable foods to try and foods that will eventually become the next step for him, although I'm not confident that Noah is close to that step yet. He does fantastic with purees but still seems to want to suck on meltable things rather than chew, and granted he really has no teeth yet to really chew with. But with everything else it will take lots of time.

I also introduced a sippee cup that still has a nipple, Noah is making good efforts to hold it, will not put it in his mouth himself, but is willing to hold it after I help it into his mouth. That in itself is fantastic.
We have some added attractions around the house these days. A group of rather fat sparrows and our resident mamma squirrel that has decided to nest and have babies in our woodpile without asking, now come to the kitchen window when Noah is eating. They only come when he is in the kitchen, and leave when he does. I'm going to start calling Noah the new animal whisperer. The birds and the squirrel will all sit on the fence at the same time and stare into the window to watch him, he watches back and talks to them. It's a sweet thing to witness, even though I have no complete understanding of the phenomenon that is occurring. He welcomes them and they are happy to see him, and we all have breakfast, lunch and even dinners together.
As Noah gets older I see him battling sensory issues a bit more than before. I put his naked feet in the grass and touching the concrete yesterday in the backyard only to hear him scream. I kept working on it and by the end of the day he was able to let his feet at least be touched by the grass but it took a lot of work and me pulling out a lot of grass to sprinkle on him. I'm sure Chris isn't going to be amused at the bald spot I created in the yard all in the name of therapy. He also fears loud noises and also hates the bubble maker I found him at Target. I was hoping he'd find it entertaining but it terrifies him.

Noah also was featured in a spot in the Littlest Heroes Project: remain so very proud of him. He will always be our little hero making it through all his daily challenges.

Around every corner I'm finding help in the most unexpected ways. Such kindness from Noah's therapists, non-profit organizations and foundations willing to guide and help us, love from strangers and friends offering us support, love and kindness. We never forget any of you that have helped our little Noah. God bless each and everyone of you always.

Periodically I'd like to give you all information on groups that have helped us or foundations that are making a difference in the lives of others, so in case you are able to donate to help another child like Noah that you can. There are thousands of us - children equally as precious as our little Noah that need help too. Together we all can make a difference in each other's lives.
Two Angels Foundation is a local foundation that provides trikes for kids like Noah so they have the opportunity to ride a bike and assist with other therapy needs. They are holding a 5K run/walk race in May you can help them raise funds to continue to help kids like Noah. If you are in the Colorado area, please consider participating.

Chris and I are planning to participate ourselves in this walk, to give back in any way that we can. I wish our means were greater, I'd move mountains to help all those that are struggling just like we are. If you would like to sponsor Chris and I with the proceeds going to Two Angels, or walk/run with us, please contact us for details by email at:

There is also another great organization doing great work to help others called Keep on Keeping On. Although this organization is not local they are doing great things to benefit the lives of others with disabilities. They also have an option to make a tax-deductable donation on their website.

Please remember that every little bit of kindness matters. It collects and makes a blanket to lift you up on some of the hardest days.

I've attached pictures of our mamma squirrel and one of the sparrows that come to watch Noah at meal times in the kitchen. They have no fear, nothing scares them away. They come for Noah.

Stacy, Chris & Noah