Friday, May 21, 2010

Gentle Cotton

Noah enjoying his inflatable yard turtle

Theratog Suit front view

The Theratog Suit back view

Super interested in the bright pretty flower

Noah moves a lot. In fact a lot is sometimes an understatement. His arms and legs are almost always moving, so when you find him relaxed and just peaceful it's really nice. Yesterday the blowing cotton caught his attention and he sat completely still watching each piece as it danced with the wind. He was in awe. Clearly studying how this little white bundle had the ability to float so delicately. Some would fall gently on him and he'd look down and let out a sweet quite sigh - as if it were heavenly to him.

We had Noah's PT and OT therapy yesterday. We are going to get Noah a bath seat. I hope he likes it. It's always so hard with therapy equipment because you don't really get the opportunity to try it out, and if he hates it, much like he does his kidcart, you don't have the option of getting something else. There are a million things I'd like to get for Noah to try, but can't really get my hands on them. The Special Tomato Stroller looks great, so does the Tom Cross Country stroller, as well as the seat 2 go that carries. Medicaid won't help me, and many of the items are out of reach financially for us. I try to convince myself that maybe Noah doesn't need them, maybe it wouldn't make a difference to have them or not. But there is always that little birdie that won't get off my shoulder that says I need to try to get all I can. And the darn bird won't stop chirping at me.

Noah tried a Theratog suit yesterday at therapy. It was a really neat suit. It's very soft, thin, stretchy fabric, he didn't seem to mind it at all. It actually looked rather comfortable. Medicaid will help us get a suit and also some beginner ankle supports (AFO's) for Noah, with the hopes that it will help him get ready for walking. That is an exciting thought that I try to guard delicately. It's walking that fine line of getting too excited prematurely. We have a long way to go.

I was pleased that Noah had a great time at therapy yesterday he was quite vocal, it was nice that he showed off his growing skills, and was mostly all smiles and laughter. And it is so great to be able to report little improvements, as I was so eager to share that meltables are going great. Noah still has a tendency to want to store food at the roof of his mouth however, so we've agreed that he needs to stay on the meltables stage for some more time. His tongue just doesn't go play fetch at the top of his mouth. But it moves great side to side, and he'll bite down with his front teeth to get pieces that he wants. He even seems to know when he's got a piece he thinks is too big as he'll spit it out.

Chris and I are getting ready for the 5K Run/walk for Two Angels Foundation this weekend. We are so happy that we'll be able to participate and we're rather looking forward to meeting other great people making a difference in the lives of others. The weather is looking like it will be a beautiful day for us for a run/walk. They invited Noah to participate in an adaptive run (in a stroller or adaptive equipment), but we're thinking Noah simply is going to want a nap then and won't want to participate. It was such a kind invitation for him to be included.

"Wishing will never be a substitute for prayer." --Ed Cole
prayers for Noah at: