Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Noah's First Flame

Noah's First Driver's License

Serious About my Driving

Honk if you love me!

Noah's Hibachi Ice Cream

Dinning Out

Flaming Onion Volcano

Noah got his first driver's license...

He took his vehicle out for a spin to his grandmother's house. He did very well keeping both hands on the his steering bars most of the time. And there was only one near miss accident which would not have been his fault since a small toddler tried to run him down from behind. Thankfully Noah had us as his back seat drivers and we avoided any possible accident.

I usually keep Noah's window closed at nights to decrease the level of sounds from the street. However we made the decision to keep it open a bit to allow for some cooler air to get into his nursery. We were up many times. Noah was quite restless - more so than usual. Chris and I both got up with Noah at 2:30 in the morning, only to figure out that Noah was awake because there was something outside his window occurring that was "not an act of God."

Three teenagers, two girls and a boy were vandalizing our car that was parked in our driveway. By the time the police were called they were already back in their white Toyota Camry headed down the street. The police indicated they could no longer find the vehicle in the area. And of course under the moonlight we could not obtain a license plate number.

Lately Chris and I have kind of felt like life continues to sucker-punch us, there is always something else for us to deal with, to handle, to overcome. I don't know how much it will cost to repair the car. I know we will likely never see assistance with repayment as that would require apprehension, prosecution and a restitution order, something I don't see happening. If these teenagers only knew what our lives are like, how hard things already are for us, and they just added to it - something so unnecessary and mean.

Noah also had a special dinning out at the Fuji Hibachi Grill this weekend compliments of his grandparents. Noah loved watching everyone and was super interested in his surroundings. He was a bit upset over the flames, but was easy to calm and considering it was the first time he had ever seen fire, it didn't go over that badly. I found it to be a normal reaction for any child.

Noah seemed interested in watching our chef prepare our food and all of his fast movements. There really wasn't anything there I could feed Noah other than ice cream, but he was so very happy to see his desert arrive. The food there is simply fantastic and the service is warm and friendly. It was so wonderful to have an evening together with the family.

"Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly."
