Friday, July 1, 2011

A Joovy Kind of Love

Noah's eyes are looking much improved and he seems to be feeling a lot better. The Orthotist came and measured his feet for new shoes, sure-steps and a theratog suit. Now we are getting ready to measure Noah for a TAOS orthotic system. It's kind of like a walker, but is made a little differently, and the good news is we can actually have it because it is not billed as a gait trainer, it is billed as an orthotic. Sometimes it is just nice when you know you can have something and insurance won't tell you no. I am hopeful that Noah likes it and that it will help him in the walking department.

Noah is starting to like Luke more and more each day. I was feeding Luke in my arms and Noah was in his highchair trying to gently play with Luke's feet with his own feet. It was sweet. Noah was doing it really gentle, so I knew he wasn't trying to kick Luke and that it was purposeful movement on his part. Noah also watches Luke in the bouncy with curiosity. The bond between them is growing. Luke is very beneficial I think for Noah. It was a gift for him to be blessed with such a loving and patient little brother. They seem to compliment each other nicely.

We were finally able to obtain a double stroller for the boys. We had to find one that would work for Noah primarily. It is a side by side, with a huge canopy shade because Noah still has trouble adjusting to the sun. It is called a Joovy Double Stroller, and it is working beautifully for both boys. I had to put a Snuzzler in Luke's side since he cannot sit unassisted yet and is very little, but it is working out great. I don't know if I'll be able to get through all doorways. The doctor's office has a small door and ironically no handicapped button to push for it to open. It is frustrating when I run into places that don't have that button for doors. I never realized how needed it was until Noah.

Thank you for all the well wishes for Noah's speedy recovery. Reading his comments and caringbridge guestbook entries always warms my heart and fuels me when I need it most. God finds a way of connecting me with exactly who I need to get me along my days on this journey. Thank you all for taking the time to come and read about Noah and caring about our family in such beautiful ways.


Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.