Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Splendor of Safe Place Bedding

There are lots of specialty beds that are now on the market for children with special needs.  Many ranging from high-end, medical grade, residential safety beds that are aesthetically pleasing, to special needs travel beds that offer safe and secure places to sleep while away from home.  Special needs beds are one of the greatest investments of equipment that a family with a child with special needs will need for the care and safety of their child.  And often times a lot of careful consideration must be made in choosing the right bed product. 
 A new travel bed design hit my field of vision this year called Safe Place Bedding.  In pictures I was instantly intrigued with it's simple, yet clever design.  After hunting down a handful of videos about the product I was even further sold on the idea of not only how safe this product was, but how fast and convenient it was to travel with.  Our family has been blessed with invitations to travel worldwide and guest speak about our lives, share our experiences, and participate in product launches but one of the greatest worries we face every time we travel is how we're going to keep Noah safe in a hotel bed when he's away from his Sleep Safe Bed at home.   We've been fortunate that every time we've traveled for special needs engagements our hosts have taken care of that worry for us, but that wouldn't be the case if we were to travel on our own without help and coordination of the sleeping arrangements for Noah.  And it's always hard to be extended an invitation and then have to gently say you have a list of things that you need help with in order to travel. 

 Last year our furnace went out during a snow storm.  Noah can't regulate body temperature and bundling him up in blankets wasn't an option because he's a suffocation risk with pillows and blankets.  Our only option was to retreat to a hotel and ride out this snowstorm until we could have the furnace replaced.  We sought out the nearest hotel we could knowing we didn't have anything that we could take along with us in the moment to keep Noah safe in a hotel bed.  While some hotels have bed rails they can offer, Noah needs a bed that is fully enclosed or he can get trapped.  We always try to push a bed up against a wall and hope that we have a room with a bed that has a headboard so we're only trying to enclose two remaining sides, but that isn't always easy and in some respects a bit nerve wracking when we have to use pillow to fill in the gaps of the sides - knowing that pillows could pose a risk to Noah should he knock them out of place and onto his head.  What is an easy overnight stay at a hotel for a typical family starts out immediately stressful for a special needs family like ourselves just because the bed is the first problem we have to troubleshoot.

When I seen a picture of the Safe Place Bedding - I just knew instantly that it was rather perfect.  Some other competing models I always worried about as they never looked particularly convenient to me, and for some reason I was always worried about metal framing around my child while he was sleeping should it collapse for any reason.  And not to mention price points on bedding also plays a significant factor of consideration.  The Safe Place Bedding is priced modestly at $462.95 - and it comes with everything you need right down to this amazing travel bag that it is stored in.  And this isn't just like a cheap storage bag - this bag feels and looks like luxury luggage. 
 The Safe Place Bedding also holds true to all of it's claims.  It absolutely goes together in under five minutes from start to finish and is so easy that you could skip reading any instructions and know what to do (which is great when you're a special needs parent who doesn't have a lot of time to fiddle with a device to get it going).  Likewise it comes down just as easy and fast.  I like that it encases the child entirely, so it works for children who cannot sit up and roll in bed, from those who could escape from a sleeping situation and need a bed to enclose them during the night.  The bed also can be accessed and opened from either side. It covers all the bases.
And perhaps the detail that I love the most is that it is designed by special needs parents who were aiming to help their own son, and wound up creating something that helps the special needs community.   You will find the very best products on the market are designed by parents who know what their child's needs are and can translate that idea into a workable concept and design.   The passion that the founders Jon and Amara Smith have for this product is evident in investment of their time and commitment to providing a safe yet universally needed product to meet the travel needs of special needs families.

We put up Noah's Safe Place Bedding this weekend for the first time for it's trial run.  Noah enjoyed it so much he didn't want to come out.  It became like a safe cave for him.  He wanted to lay on the floor and watch TV in it, you could tell he felt safe and secure in it.  Never once did it trigger a sensory issue for him,  he had good use of space to move around and still remained secure in it.  It was a breeze to put up and take down, and something that would even be easy for Grandma to set up if Noah needed a sleep over.  And that's huge.  He now has a safe place he can sleep in besides being home bound.  I feel this huge sense of relief, as when you have a child like Noah that requires a specialized hospital bed or safety bed of some kind to sleep in, and you worry should you ever have to leave home for any reason, a vacation, an overnight stay at friends or family, or to retreat to a hotel during an emergency situation that you have a bed you can take with you.  It is something every special needs parent needs who has a child that requires specialized bedding and will inevitably use at some point in time.  And I love that the Smith's have aimed to keep their product within financial reach for families and offer resources of funding suggestions on their website.
Noah had a really good time in it.  And I can tell that he would be not only safe but very comfortable in it if we left home and it was placed on top of a hotel bed.  It hits all my check marks of a product that easy to fall in love with.  Perhaps the only thing I would have wanted on my wish list would be a waterproof removable and washable pad for the bottom, but is something that I easily could find at a retail store to place at the bottom myself - but I always love it when additional accessories roll out later on too.

Definitely put this on your list of things you need for your child with special needs.  Even if you don't anticipate traveling you never know when you'd need something like this in case of a rainy day or an emergency.  To learn more about how you can order yours click here.



Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.