We all got up bright and early and headed to Golden for Noah's big race. We had no idea what to expect. We figured either things would go really well or they'd go super bad. Much to our surprise Noah was full of lots of happiness and wanted to ride today. He got a special team jersey which he looked so handsome in, and you could tell he was glowing with pride. Noah knew that this was his big day. With dad behind him, they went the distance. Noah was presented with a medal on the finish line. The back beautifully engraved with the message "Yesterday I dared to struggle, Today I dare to win" a quote by Bernadette Devlin. That statement couldn't have been more the truth for Noah. Just when I think all is lost... all hope... Noah reminds me to have a little faith, after all he'll do everything in his own time.
The sponsors were truly wonderful and it was great to see old friends and therapists, and other kids that we have the pleasure of seeing from time to time as we pass each other at various therapies. The love was tremendous. And it was so special to have Noah's grandma cheering him on as he reached the finish line. We all got teary as Noah did it! Chris wants to find a way to frame his jersey and his medal and hang it in his room. What an accomplishment for our little Noah. We are just over the moon happy for him.
A day of answered prayers.
You can watch a slideshow of Noah's big day:

Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.