My Sweet Noah,
I sat and watched the snow as you slept
peacefully. Each snowflake as frozen and cold as I feel the world is,
the sky was opening up with the grief that I feel. It was so silent,
soft and slow. My heart is stirring with quiet pain. I watch these
lonely trees, without any signs of life. Do they even realize the birds
have left one by one as the chill set in? They are lucky, as the
seasons will change and the sweet songs will eventually return to their
branches. Likewise, others get to go on with their lives without
consequence, while ours stands permanently frozen. With all that has
happened in our lives over the last four years I can't help but feel
this tremendous devastation, this immense sense of pain for what was
stolen from you at birth. I can't right all the wrongs. I look at it
all wondering what is the purpose of all this grief and suffering that
our family continues to experience. More than anything I'm just so
sorry Noah. I'm so sorry that all of this has happened to you.
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end there it is." Winston Churchill
Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.