Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa Comes on the Fire Truck!

The Fire Truck
Nice to Meet you Santa

Telling Santa his List
Very Happy to see Santa
Letting Santa Hold me


Santa came for Noah on the fire truck last night from the City. This year he didn't squeal and cry in fear. He was a little unsure of Santa at first. I think touching his beard by accident may have sent him temporarily to the moon. But once he realized Santa was going to talk to him, and ask him questions he started talking back in his own little language. It was so sweet, and so precious. This Santa took so much time with Noah, and made him comfortable. I know they probably had dozens of kids left to see, but Santa offered Noah all the time he needed. They were such a gift to all of us last night. Santa was the best!

Noah's grandma got to come this time, she was sick last year and couldn't be with Noah for his 1st Santa visit. So it was so nice that she could come for the second. Of course she said it flooded memories of when we were little and Santa came for us all those years. It truly is a wonderful service that they do for the community. They bring so much joy to so many houses. An even bigger blessing for a child that is not mobile and lacks all motor skill abilities.

The firemen, and volunteers, also known as Santa's elves, were beyond kind too. Such an amazing group of people, I wish I could just hug them all season long, they'll probably never know what it means to us. They had the smaller fire truck this year which was neat, the City has so many vehicles I didn't even know they had. It's the only time that you ever want emergency lights to come for your little one, but Noah stared at the lights with joy, we took him outside and got pictures with the truck. Probably every little boy's dream. A fire truck with lights and Santa right next to it.

I've attached some pictures of Noah's visit with Santa, a beautiful night, that Chris and I are so blessed to be able to share with our little Noah. What a gift he's been to us, we're so glad he's here and that he fought so hard to stay. Building memories of the sweet times is what we always hold dear to our hearts. We have to cling to all that is good.


Creative Commons License
Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.