Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fire Station Santa

We received a beautiful invite this year from our friends at North Metro Fire Rescue District to have Noah and his little brother stop by the fire house to visit with Santa and sit in the fire trucks.  This was the first year we had ever attempted to visit Santa outside of the comforts of our home since Noah was born.  Santa was easier at home due to Noah being medically fragile and his overwhelming sensory challenges.   But somehow I knew that this would work because Noah is so loved by North Metro, and they are such a tender and loving crew.  There were less than ten children there, which was good for Noah.  He only displayed his sensory gag reflex twice and came out of it both times without vomiting, which is a huge step for him. 

He loved being lifted up to sit on his daddy's lap on the fire truck, and of course had plenty to tell Santa.   Those two I think were sharing secrets.   Santa even knows a multitude a bird sounds and can talk like Daffy Duck!  Who knew all these years that Santa was so incredibly talented!  Noah thought that was simply the best.   This was the first year where Luke wasn't apprehensive of Santa, however he wasn't about to sit on his lap.  Standing to tell Santa he wanted an airplane and continually plating and serving him individual cookies was how he wanted to work it this year.   Luke also did his best to comfort and console another child who was upset that Rudolph couldn't go home with them.   Traits I know stem from growing up with a severely disabled older brother that often needs extra comforting and care. 

Seeing Santa at the fire station was simply perfect.  It was a small enough event to make Noah feel comfortable and big enough to give Luke an opportunity to socialize, play and engage in Christmas crafts with other children his age.  It felt so relaxing and comforting.  The exact kind of feeling that you want to capture at Christmas in put in your pocket.  The true spirit of Christmas. 

I treasure moments like that, especially this time of year.  Those are the parts that bring you back to the center of what matters and puts that sparkle in your heart as you watch the gleam in your children's eyes.  I'm hoping we make this a yearly tradition and are able to see Santa at the Fire Station each year. 

May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; the spirit of Christmas which is peace; the heart of Christmas which is love. Ada V. Hendricks


Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.