Friday, December 7, 2012

Gingerbread Therapy

Yes there's a new therapy in town... gingerbread therapy. Don't get too excited. Medicaid deems this alternative therapy too!

I went to the store and seen the cutest little gingerbread men cakes. I loved them. The kind of sweet creation that says I'm so lovely, your children would adore me, and buy me now! I picked up two containers without hesitation. I have two boys and I need two gingerbread men cakes. The baker smiled at me acknowledging that I had found these confections quite cute and turned to say "they are just as good as they look." I thanked him and told him that I was hopeful that my oldest child would have a great time as it was going to be Gingerbread Therapy. He looked at me so puzzled until I explained I had a child that couldn't orally eat solids. And that I had a little one that could, but my heart doesn't let me buy just for one child and not the other - even knowing I have one that has significant disabilities. He took my hand and told me I was a good mom and that my son was going to have the best Gingerbread Therapy and that it made his day.

And indeed Noah did have the best time at Gingerbread Therapy. I put his little decorated man in front of him, he gave me a coy smile and then swatted his little gingerbread man. The cake so springy that it just continued to bounce on the tray causing Noah to giggle about his cake dancing. He didn't even mind that he couldn't indulge in it's sweet fun - to him he was playing with his little gingerbread man and that's all that mattered to him. The gingerbread man probably looked a little familiar to him - it did kind or resemble Gingey from Shrek - who he finds completely hilarious. He spent a good hour working on tossing that gingerbread man around, until I think he realized that his little brother was actually inhaling his and he could not. So as a consolation prize Noah had a big spray of whipped cream, something that he could easily enjoy as a mid-afternoon treat. And in the end I had two very happy boys who both loved their gingerbread men in different ways. It's okay, we made it work and it's a beautiful thing.

We have more Gingerbread Therapy scheduled this weekend, Noah's grandmother purchased the boys a very special gingerbread house to build equipped with a snowman for the front lawn, and a gumdrop walk-way. It all doesn't get much more heavenly than that.

 “The Gingerbread House has four walls, a roof, a door, a window, and a chimney. It is decorated with many sweet culinary delights on the outside. But on the inside there is nothing—only the bare gingerbread walls. It is not a real house—not until you decide to add a Gingerbread Room. That’s when the stories can move in. They will stay in residence for as long as you abstain from taking the first gingerbread bite.”Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration 

Our Gingerbread room will be filled with lots of love, hope and faith... we hope your Gingerbread house will be too.


Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.