"Above all else guard your Heart, for it affects everything you do."

Sometimes it feels like my heart is all that is left of me. A simple shell of a person that has only a beating heart, that cares beyond all measure. Valentine's Day in the world of special neeeds takes on quite a different meaning. I'm sure it was intended to always be a lover's holiday. Even the sweet lady at the grocery store the other day was joking she calls it "Singles remeberance day." And declared she was going to blast Beyonce's, All you Single Ladies song all day long. We all attach our own meaning on it. But regardless it surrounds the thought of love.
I baked Valentine's Day cookies yesterday, it was the first time I ached for Noah's participation in the kitchen. He should be at the age now begging me a for a cookie, clinging to my leg asking if he can help me. These cute little cheap ready-to-bake cookie hearts with be-mine messages. He lacks the ability to even nibble on one. Yet I baked them anyway. Why? I don't know. To feel "normal" maybe. Because that's what other moms are doing. Baking goodies for their children to take to class, helping them fill out cute little Valentine's for classmates. Life can have such bittersweet moments.
My heart is so full of happiness that Noah is still here with us. Against all odds he is here. He is the ultimate Valentine. He is better than any box of chocolates, any Hallmark card, or fifty dozen long-stemmed fire and ice roses.
By: Terri Mauro

Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.