A really beautiful invitation was extended for our family to attend the
AIPAC Conference in Dallas to speak about our experience with Noah and
the Upsee. I'm always a bit apprehensive about disclosing what all is
involved with traveling with Noah, from needing items like blenders for
his food, refrigerator for his supplies.... railing for hotel beds.
You rather expect people to drop their jaws and say you're a bit more
baggage than we really want to take on for a special needs speaking
guest. I always worry that we'll be perceived as high maintenance when
in reality we're so humble and grateful for the smallest of blessings
in our life.
Noah excited to be at the Fairmont Hotel |
But the AIPAC team, didn't even flinch when I told
them about Noah's travel needs. They remained excited for us to join
them, and were so dedicated and committed to making our little Noah
comfortable and happy.
You might be scratching your heads and
thinking what exactly is AIPAC. For those of you unfamiliar with the
organization, their mission is to: "
strengthen, protect and promote the
U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and
the United States." Now you might now be thinking what on earth
does a special needs parent like myself have to do with AIPAC. It's
simple really. The Upsee was designed by an Israeli Inventor, Debby
Elnatan, and it's helping children all across the US, like Noah.
were so honored that they wanted to include us at their conference and
have me as one of their guest speakers. I enjoy so much bringing
awareness to what our life is like with a child who has special needs
and discussing life-changing aspects like the Upsee.
we had traveled earlier in the year internationally with Noah, I can say
that our airport experiences were night and day from the last time.
Certainly not the easy, friendly, helpful experience we had the first
time. I did all the same things, contacted TSA cares, made them aware
of Noah's situation, needs, and what he'd be traveling with. I even
received a confirmation email outlining the conversation I had with TSA
We flew American Airlines this time. Even though we
were told that there would be no baggage charge since we were traveling
with a special needs child, we were still assessed $25 per bag
regardless of weight or contents. There were no charges associated
with British Airlines. We also had a TSA/personal airport assistant
last time. This time we were on our own. No attendant - really no one
to even tell us where we needed to go. Thank goodness this time we had
an extra set of hands, as Noah's grandmother traveled with us as Noah's
extra care provider.
Last time we were ushered ahead of lines
to have Noah's wheelchair examined and checked. This time we waited in
long lines, and no one really even knew what to do with his
wheelchair. I even had to remind them to check the car seats we were
traveling with. TSA was unorganized and fumbling all over the place.
None of Noah's foods or formulas were checked as liquids, just passed on
Noah really enjoyed his flight to Dallas, he enjoys
flying - who would have ever guessed, as parents who were convinced that
we could never leave home any more than a few miles in any direction
that we had a special needs child who would be able to get to a point in
his life where he enjoyed traveling. Dallas/Fort Worth Airport was a
bit crazy. You couldn't ask anyone for directions as each person would
tell you something different. The highlight of the airport in Dallas
was a gentleman in a wheelchair who stopped us because he wanted to know
more about Noah and if he had CP. He struggled a bit with his speech
but I understood him perfectly. He wanted to know if Noah could talk
and how he was doing. He was such a nice young man, I instantly
imagined my Noah like him if I fast forwarded twenty-years, at an
airport trying to chat with others like him. I explained Noah couldn't
speak yet, he said "it was a lot of hard work but he'll get there."
know I've written about this before, but I know God places people in
your path and along your journey for a reason. And I always listen when
he sends me people to deliver those messages. In hindsight I wish I
would have stayed longer with him, he was all alone having his airport
attendant just abandoning him at a transportation stop. But I was
worried about Noah's lack of lunch and I felt desperate to find a way to
our shuttle ride.
We wound up getting on a bus because some
driver convinced us he could take us to the Super Shuttle pick-up, we
loaded up 5 pieces of luggage, 2 car seats, 2 backpacks, and a
wheelchair and then abandoning our $5 cart, only for him to take us two
terminals ahead! All that work for a 30 second ride. I kid you not.
Why you ask? Because he was in need of a tip!
We arrived at
our Super Shuttle destination only to have every shuttle come and go
tell us they either weren't going our direction, or didn't have a
handicapped accessible van at the moment, even though we had prior accessible
reservations and payment had been made coordinating our ride to the
hotel. After calling the company, we kept being told, 20 more minutes,
30 more minutes, 10 more minutes.... until someone finally fessed up
after 2 hours stranded at the airport indicating they didn't have a
handicapped accessible van AT ALL.... and they were trying to arrange 2
different cars to get us to the hotel. We finally decided that Noah
couldn't wait any longer so we made the decision to break down the
wheelchair with the hopes it would fit in any available van headed
downtown with all our other luggage and load him into the van in a car
With Dallas traffic, 3 hours after landing, we made it to
the hotel. I seriously can't ever recommend Super Shuttle if you are
traveling in Texas, it's great out here for us to get to DIA, but they
need to work on assisting the ADA community in Dallas that's for sure.
instantly upon arriving at the hotel we were immediately greeted with
the best love and customer service you could ever imagine. The Fairmont
hotel has fantastic staff that were so warm and welcoming. We were in
awe of all the help. We made our way to our room accompanied by two
very nice gentleman assisting us with our luggage. Our hotel rooms were
simply perfect. And I say that because sometimes you always wonder how
we'll get Noah around in a wheelchair in rooms, but it had a wonderful
living room area, and on each side of the living room bedroom areas.
Plenty of space for Noah's wheelchair to navigate. The hotel itself is
beautiful and the rooms equally so.
Hotel Living Room Area |
Noah's Bed with Rails and Pillows |
Blender and Refrigerator for Noah |
We traveled on Halloween,
but packed both costumes for the boys so they could dress up in the
hotel room. Their Halloween costumes provided by a loving foundation
called Ween Dream. Luke was Yoda, Noah a Disney Planes Pilot. We
assumed there wouldn't be any trick-or-treating in the hotel, but were
greeted with a wonderful gift basket of Halloween goodies compliments of
the AIPAC team. Along with another large gift basket for the family.
Noah & Luke's Halloween Gift Basket |
Gift Basket from the AIPAC Team |
Luke trying to put Noah's Planes Costume On | | |
Noah's Costume as Plane's Pit Crew |
It was such a special thing for them to do. Noah also had a blender
and mini fridge, and it felt like home away from home. The AIPAC team
had thought of everything and gave us such kindness and love. We
settled in and ordered room service, feeling so blessed and excited for
our weekend experiences to come.
Noah's Miracle by
Stacy Warden is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.