Today marks the one year anniversary of the brutal and vicious attack of
one of our beloved Cairn Terriers, Brystal Sonoma. She was in the
comfort and safety of her backyard when a coyote jumped the fence.
Brystal is such a soft soul. Both of our cairns
have qualities specific to my personality (as most dogs do). Hollie
Edelbrock is brave, protective, loud, loyal and loving. Brystal is
tender, wants to make friends with everyone and anything, she wants to
lick your wounds, and is a natural healer and most
of all trusting. That trust allowed her to fall pray to a Coyote.
Hollie's instinct was to run for safety, Brystal's was to run towards
unknowing danger in the form of what she thought was a friend.
Brystal's jaw was ripped at the hinge and broken in three places,
multiple puncture wounds throughout her small and fragile neck. Her jaw
bleeding profusely hanging from her head, but still had the wherewithal
to run despite her severe injuries into the house
and under a bed seeking safety to save her own life. I called the
nearest emergency veterinary clinics, at 7pm at night they all denied me
care due to being too busy. I told them I was coming anyways and that I
would not let them turn me away.

Brystal was clearly in so much pain, shaking, in shock and suffering
from tremendous trauma. But the look in her sweet eyes said nothing but
please help me and that I'm sorry. She was sorry that she was in this
position, to no fault of her own. She paced
back and forth, breathing heavily through the pain. It felt like it
took forever to get her the morphine she needed to ease her pain until
we could truly assess the extent of her injuries. The emergency clinic
worked fast, xrays were done on the spot - the
prognosis a bit grim. She was stabilized overnight, but her injuries
were so extensive that no local vet could assist. The vet didn't give
us many options or hope, it was rather the secretary who whispered take
her to VRCC - Veterinary Referral & Critical
Care. And told us they would be able to help. The drive was super
far, and my husband and I left Noah and his brother with respite, and
made the long hour drive there.

They assessed her quickly and made the determination that they thought
that they could fix her - that she had the small potential to survive.
But it would come at a great cost. It was already $2,000 to get it
through the night at the emergency clinic, we
were facing another $4,000 for life-saving surgery of repairing her
jaw, and then another $4,000 after that for reconstructive internal
mouth surgery, and bone grafting. No one wants to hear that, especially
when you are a special needs family who is already
financially struggling with out of pocket medical, therapy and
equipment expenses not covered by insurance.

But we believe you can't put a price on a life - not even a dog's.
Every single life should be fought for - and God willing you figure it
out as you go.
We consented to the surgery and the costs and less than two hours later
Brystal was in reconstructive surgery. We sat, we waited. We stayed
until she was out of surgery and it was a success. They drilled through
her jaw with an exterior x-fix, and braced
the broken jaw and placed it back in place. She looked terrible, and
the device looked heavy and uncomfortable. But, we were far from out of
the woods. The chance for infection high, we'd have to figure out how
to get her to eat - and stabilize her for
the next four months until she could heal and have additional surgery
to remove the x-fix and then reconstruct the inside of her mouth with
bone grafting and tooth removal.

Brystal is a non-complainer. And her tolerance for pain much higher
than our other cairn terrier. Her will to live also significantly
stronger than what I think our other cairn could withstand. If any dog
had a chance it was Brystal. The world's smallest
I've seen that same fight drive in Noah. That will to live. That I
will fight at any cost to be here - even if it's not perfect.
I was no stranger to that fight drive, and so I made the decision to fight alongside and do what I could.
It was a very hard first few months. Brystal wouldn't eat, I was
forcing syringes full of water to keep her hydrated, and ultimately had
to resort to pureeing all her food and syringe feeding her that too.
Slowly she'd eat strange things like tiny amounts
of canned tuna, or sliced deli turkey. We tried every soft dog food
brand on the market, I must have spent hundreds of dollars trying and
trying some more. I tried to put the costs out of my mind and just do
what had to be done. I know we were sinking ourselves
financially even more by making the decision to save her life. But she
was family. No one gets left behind. Not even the family dog.

She'd have good days and bad days. The bad days were super hard as I'm
caring for Noah and then turn my back to see blood dripping all over the
floor feverishly from her mouth. Multiple emergency trips back one
hour each way - determined that the x-fix had
gone through several teeth and was now protruding into her tongue so
every time she moved her tongue it would be punctured and bleed. They
could do nothing to prevent that or it would harm the stability of the
x-fix. So, I'd be mopping up trails of blood
for months on end in addition to carrying for Noah's needs too.
I never once thought of any of it as an inconvenience or burden. Not
Noah - not Brystal. Like a well-oiled caregiving machine I did what had
to be done. Three times a day forcing medication, three times a day
cleaning her x-fix that was crusty from blood
and fluids that leaked out of open drill sites on the exterior of her
mouth, faithfully applying saline and antibiotic ointment. It felt
touch and go, and I did a lot of praying that we'd get through it.
And in April of 2019, Brystal had finally healed enough to have the
x-fix removed, but we weren't out of the woods yet. Two more surgeries
were in her future. She'd have to be sedated for the removal, and then
was facing internal mouth reconstruction two
weeks later. She came through the removal well, we were still guarded.
And two weeks later seen another specialist to reconstruct her mouth.
She lost almost all her teeth, many from being damaged in the attack,
many from being damaged as they drilled into
her jaw with the x-fix to save her life. But she came through both,
and with amazingly high spirits.
This dog is really a true testament to resilience and how much a life can withstand if they really want to fight to be here.
By the end of it our bills collectively were over $7,000. Most of it
was put on credit cards, but it ultimately resulted in us having to
refinance our home over the summer. We have no regrets.
Today, Brystal is thriving. She acts much like the energetic little
bouncy puppy that runs and skips along like a baby bunny would. She's
remains a delight to have, her spirit a reminder that you can get
through the worst that life can give you and still
find a happy ending. Brystal will celebrate her 14th Birthday in
March 2020. And her age was never a factor for us saving her life.
We know that not everyone could understand or even agree with the
decisions that we made to save her life, and that's okay with us.
Having a child like Noah, and having to fight for his life I think left a
mark on us. And so when someone tells you there is
hope - you fight for that hope. God will see you through, it may be
incredibly hard and you may not know how you're going to make it happen
or get through it all. But, you will. You just have to have faith.
So this Thanksgiving we are incredibly blessed to still have our little
Brystal with us. She was granted more time to stay, and we are so
grateful that we more days with her. Believe in Miracles - miracles may
not come easy - but they do happen.
Noah's Miracle by
Stacy Warden is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.