I don't think we will ever have any resolution with them, ever. And it's not about being pessimistic, it's being realistic. Today's notice indicates that there is now an overpayment of $324.89 from November and December of last year, although I was told verbally that all was current and up to date and that there were no outstanding overpayments. Not the truth. I'm not sure I could get a hold of anyone there that would tell me the truth. Which means I will be yet filling out my appeal and request for formal conference, yet again. I think this is the seventh time in less than six months, and still to this date no one has yet to get back with me on any of the outstanding overpayments sought against us. I've contacted our local politicians, that died on the vine quickly, no one really wants to fix the system or help families like ours. It's very frustrating and tremendously exhausting. Other families tell me they are experiencing the very same problems we are, not just in this state, but all over. Our special needs battles are many as it is, and this just adds to them as we are struggling to help our children. It all falls of deaf ears, no one hears us. It's so much easier to look the other way because these problems do not belong to them, it isn't their child in need.
We found some help with the Chelsea Hutchinson Foundation who is going to help pay $2,500 towards the final cost of obtaining Noah's Service Dog. A huge blessing and gift for Noah. That foundation is also assisting us with key chains, magnets and buttons for Noah's fundraising efforts. That's where we are with that, still saying a lot of prayers and crossing our fingers for the best. Again if you'd like to help Noah you can send your payment to:
Noelle's Dogs Four Hope
15954 Jackson Creek Parkway, Suite B, PMB #453
Monument, CO 80132
WITH: PAYMENT FOR NOAH WARDEN indicated on your donation

Noah's loving that spring has finally arrived, he enjoys his nightly walks around the neighborhood. The warm weather also brings out the neighborhood children and it makes us painfully aware that Noah should be running around on playgrounds with other children and can't. Chris said he seen another dad like him the other night when he took Noah for a walk. An older boy going down a slide with his dad at the park. I could tell that Chris longed for that friendship in a dad that understands the same journey he is sharing with Noah. But he said he walked on and just admired from a distance. Hopefully they will connect with God's perfect timing.
Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.