A new caseworker, who refused to give her first name, oddly. I know her only as Ms. Brooks. Bye-bye Betty I guess... and Debbie her supervisor offering me now Ms. Brooks and a new manager with no last name. In any event whatever they want to call themselves, I was hopeful that Noah's case would finally get taken care of. She said her phone call would be considered my "informal conference" and that she was waiving our most recent overpayment due to all the confusion and problems that we had faced with SSI. A relief. She also told me once again they were requesting I fax in Chris's February and March pay stubs, even though we were told to quit reporting income for a year. They were all faxed in Monday and Ms. Brooks set up a phone conference today at 11am to go over Noah's "new" monthly amount based on income and possible "new" overpayments that exist as a result, in addition to once again doing another asset and financial interview (something we are only supposed to have to do yearly), yet I've answered those series of questions now three times in less than 6 months... yes I still own the same vehicles... we own nothing of value, and no we haven't suddenly won the lottery... although the lottery one isn't a real question they actually ask you... I'm just adding that for good measure.
In any event I was cautiously optimistic yet here I am having waited over an hour on a phone call that isn't going to come. Once again confirming SSI has no follow-through or good business practices. I shouldn't be surprised. But I did give them the benefit of the doubt. So we're really right where we left off - which is no where, with the exception of one waived overpayment. Yet, I seek comfort in all that tell me they are facing the exact same problems with their special needs children and SSI and Medicaid. We are not the exception but rather the norm for what is occurring with these agencies.
In the spirit of good news to report: We received a call that Noah has finally gotten a spot on the waiting list for hippotherapy. We have set up a time for his evaluation and providing all goes well we will start hippotherapy sometime in May. The evaluation will be $45, a deposit of $350 and then $45 weekly. Chris and I are just approaching things one day at a time. We have waited so long for this opportunity for Noah that we pray that we can continue funding all the therapies his insurance will not cover. We pray that hippotherapy really agrees with Noah. We are thrilled that he now has a spot for therapy if the evaluation goes well. Please pray for him that it does. We have big hopes it will help Noah increase his trunk and head control - and maybe the beginnings of speech as they say horses often have that effect on some special needs children. We will never stop praying and hoping for all things possible.
We are excited for Noah's fundraising event this weekend. It was simply an unexpected gift come our way. Hopefully it will be a fun day, and that Noah does well with a personal visit at his fundraiser. The event sounds like it will be lots of fun and a really big 3 day event. Chris is even more thrilled as he loves the idea of Star Wars characters helping his little boy. He is very excited to go.
Noah's Miracle by Stacy Warden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.